
Best Birdwatching Tips for the Bradenton Area

Was it a vacation if you didn’t take pictures? Check out these picture-perfect spots and tips from a local professional photographer to make your visit to the Bradenton Area irresistibly Instagrammable.

Best Birdwatching Tips for the Bradenton Area

The Bradenton Area offers some of the best birdwatching in the country, which is one reason why Manatee County is home to well-renowned wildlife photographer Mac Carraway. Mac is the creator of the coffee table book, “The Birds of Robinson Preserve” which includes photos and commentary of the Gulf Coast’s most stunning birds. 

Mac’s father was a journalist who worked in the printing business and had a darkroom of his own. Mac recalls the first time he saw a black and white photo emerge out of the developer. “It was magic,” he recalls. From that moment, he was hooked on taking pictures. 

Although he studied finance in college, he began taking photos with some equipment his dad gave him and built his own dark room. After a short stint in the finance world, Mac transitioned full time to photography.

He has seen how technology has enabled more people to capture special moments on their own. “The equipment has evolved to where you don’t have to be as technical,” he explains.

If you want to take bird pictures like a pro, here are some tips from Mac:

  • Do try to photograph shore birds. They’re larger and easier to spot. Do be calm and quiet. Stillness will allow you to get closer to capture the perfect picture. Do be willing to get wet. Wear wading boots or surf shoes to get closer to the wildlife you’re aiming for.
  • Do try to photograph shore birds. They’re larger and easier to spot. Do be calm and quiet. Stillness will allow you to get closer to capture the perfect picture. Do be willing to get wet. Wear wading boots or surf shoes to get closer to the wildlife you’re aiming for.
  • Do try to photograph shore birds. They’re larger and easier to spot. Do be calm and quiet. Stillness will allow you to get closer to capture the perfect picture. Do be willing to get wet. Wear wading boots or surf shoes to get closer to the wildlife you’re aiming for.

As you get closer to the birds, remember:

  • Don’t feed or bait them. This disrupts the ecosystem. Don’t touch their perch or nest. If a nest is disturbed, a bird may abandon it.  Don’t litter or leave a mess. You’re a guest in their habitat.
  • Don’t feed or bait them. This disrupts the ecosystem. Don’t touch their perch or nest. If a nest is disturbed, a bird may abandon it.  Don’t litter or leave a mess. You’re a guest in their habitat.
  • Don’t feed or bait them. This disrupts the ecosystem. Don’t touch their perch or nest. If a nest is disturbed, a bird may abandon it.  Don’t litter or leave a mess. You’re a guest in their habitat.

A few of Mac’s favorite spots for the best birdwatching in the Bradenton Area are Robinson Preserve, Fort DeSoto Park, and the grassflats on the Manatee River. “At Robinson Preserve, you will find great egrets, ospreys, great blue herons, and roseate spoonbills,” he shares. “Sometimes you might even see a bald eagle.” 

Mac also indicated that you don’t need fancy equipment to capture great photos. A regular cell phone camera will do the trick. The beauty of using a cell phone is that you can immediately capture an image and research what type of bird right from your phone. It also allows you to take countless photos and you can delete the ones that weren’t your favorites.  For the best picture possible, Mac suggests concentrating on getting the bird’s eye in focus. That will set the foundation for a strong picture.

If you want to step up from your phone and invest in a camera, he suggests getting one with a good autofocus. The folks at Johnson Photo Imaging can help you find the right equipment to fit your needs and experience. 

“We’re fortunate in Manatee County to have a professional photography store here,” Mac shares. “It’s an incredible resource. Those guys will talk to a beginner the same way they’d talk to a professional.”

But above all, the most important part of birdwatching is to just watch the birds. “You can get a good set of binoculars with good optical glass for not a whole lot (of money),” he shares. 

“The best pictures are the ones in your head.”

To purchase Mac Carraway’s book “The Birds of Robinson Preserve” or order prints of Mac’s Photography visit his website.