

Back to Angola

Feb 14, 2024 / madden

Rediscovering Roots and Celebrating Culture The Back To Angola Festival is more than just an annual celebration—it's a journey intorediscovering the rich history of the Angolan maroon community that once resided at ManateeMineral Springs. https://youtu.be/eim_35Bw9Es During Spanish control of Florida, the territory served as a sanctuary for people escaping British and American slavery. More

Christmas Events in the Bradenton Area

Nov 28, 2023 / madden

When Santa’s not at the North Pole, you can find him on Florida’s West Coast. Come dip your (mistle)toes in the Bradenton Area’s sugar-sand white beaches and refresh your white Christmas in our temperate climate. More

It’s Festival Season in the Bradenton Area!

Jul 25, 2023 / MM Accounts

As the days become shorter and the shadows grow longer, the Bradenton Area transforms into a destination filled with autumn and winter themed events and cultural festivities. From late September into December, almost a countless number of family-friendly activities are found on the islands, downtown, and mainland. More

Great Places for Live Music

Aug 15, 2019 / MM Content

There is no shortage of places around the Bradenton Area to listen to live music. You’ll find a remarkable range of venues and places to visit: festivals, events, small pubs, and even a variety of restaurants. More

Beaches and Blues

May 09, 2018 / MM Accounts

Beaches and Blues The Blues Sound Better in Bradenton Don't Miss These Bradenton Area Favorites! The Bradenton Blues Festival is a can't-miss three day experience that will have blues lovers jamming all weekend long. More